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  •  al355
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At the moment if any iteration of a loop errors then the loop exists. It would be nice if there was an option to allow the job to continue through errors and attempt the next iteration(s)
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Eddie Kumar
Yes, I agree there should be a "Continue to next iteration" option (in the Flow tab) for ease of use.

however as a workaround, add a dummy-task at the end of the loop (as last task of the loop), now at the point where you need to Continue to the next iteration, simply jump to this last task of the loop (using the "Flow" tab), this will allow you to easy skip remaining tasks in the loop and continue to the next iteration.

Originally Posted by: Eddie Kumar 

Yes, I agree there should be a "Continue to next iteration" option (in the Flow tab) for ease of use.

however as a workaround, add a dummy-task at the end of the loop (as last task of the loop), now at the point where you need to Continue to the next iteration, simply jump to this last task of the loop (using the "Flow" tab), this will allow you to easy skip remaining tasks in the loop and continue to the next iteration.


I would like to request a "Continue to next iteration" option either in the Flow tab and/or in the Job/Task Control task.
I note the quoted message above is a year old, so I'm adding my voice and hoping this could be moved up a little in the priority list.

Thank you
Another vote to add a task flow option of "next loop iteration".
And another vote for this feature.
I came here to figure out how to do this exact thing.
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