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J.B. Churchill
It seems like this should be easy to do to get the result of a python job (the console messages) but the result I'm getting in the email from this (below) is telling me nothing of any real use. Anyone have some advice for what I should try?

Job: {JOB(Active|Name)}
Timestamp:{DATEFORMAT(M/d/yyyy h:mm tt)}
Server: {COMPUTER(Name)}

Task: {TASK(PrevTask,Name)}

Task Output: {TASK(PrevTask,StdOut)}
Forum information
Originally Posted by: J.B. Churchill 

It seems like this should be easy to do to get the result of a python job (the console messages) but the result I'm getting in the email from this (below) is telling me nothing of any real use. Anyone have some advice for what I should try?

Job: {JOB(Active|Name)}
Timestamp:{DATEFORMAT(M/d/yyyy h:mm tt)}
Server: {COMPUTER(Name)}

Task: {TASK(PrevTask,Name)}

Task Output: {TASK(PrevTask,StdOut)}


Apologies for the late response. Please send an email to with details/screenshots of the task settings and notification settings, also the result of the notification

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