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  •  ACS
  • Paid support Topic Starter
VC 9.8.5 -
Here is a click element step from a Web Macro:
LI:nth-child(11) > BUTTON > SPAN[%]html > body > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > ul > li:nth-child(11) > button > span[%]/HTML/BODY/DIV[3]/DIV[1]/FORM[1]/UL[1]/LI[11]/BUTTON[1]/SPAN[1]

I would like to loop this Web Macro task and replace the 11's with a variable, like the Y value, so I can loop through elements listed in a web page.

My issue is that I can replace 2 of the 11s with a variable, but not 3 and the error message returns the reference as seen above, which works if left static, but it says the element cannot be found.

This has been broken for many versions and I cannot get someone to understand the issue or get them to find a page to reproduce it.
The site downloads sensitive data and I cannot share the job.

Any help would be appreciated.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: ACS 

VC 9.8.5 -
Here is a click element step from a Web Macro:
LI:nth-child(11) > BUTTON > SPAN[%]html > body > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > ul > li:nth-child(11) > button > span[%]/HTML/BODY/DIV[3]/DIV[1]/FORM[1]/UL[1]/LI[11]/BUTTON[1]/SPAN[1]

I would like to loop this Web Macro task and replace the 11's with a variable, like the Y value, so I can loop through elements listed in a web page.

My issue is that I can replace 2 of the 11s with a variable, but not 3 and the error message returns the reference as seen above, which works if left static, but it says the element cannot be found.

This has been broken for many versions and I cannot get someone to understand the issue or get them to find a page to reproduce it.
The site downloads sensitive data and I cannot share the job.

Any help would be appreciated.

Dealt with this via email and we've notified the developers about this.

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