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Miles Thornton
Shows 13 - As expected: image.png
Yet, the email (last Task) shows {JOB(Active|ExitCode)} = 0
Forum information
Miles Thornton
The email text uses HTML and specific Task variables, I've confirmed the GUID's validity:
<h1>SavedSearch LW Tested Process</h1>
</ br>
<p>This is a notification that the process to retrieve data from NetSuite has <bold>NOT</bold> been completed successfully. Please contact the helpdesk to follow-up.</p>
<bold>Http Error:</bold> {TASK(51ea2ef3-2e32-4453-881f-0a07cccaaf75|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Archive Error:</bold> {TASK(60da46b1-f93e-4415-a4ee-62b841a184e9|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Truncate Error:</bold> {TASK(96193bfd-0a39-4e3a-a22e-5af133176fce|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Pre-Bulkcopy Cleanup Error:</bold> {TASK(41f198c6-630d-4ca8-9275-ac9d23d58155|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Bulkcopy Error:</bold> {TASK(3b4b140f-845a-488c-a128-33b0f45de056|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Import Confirmation Error:</bold> {TASK(2abfb808-9919-4c4c-8879-1691424a835b|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Delete File Error:</bold> {TASK(a494fba1-cef2-49ab-a457-4fbc35f4f8bc|StdErr)}</br>
Miles Thornton
The email text uses HTML and specific Task variables, :
<h1>SavedSearch LW Tested Process</h1>
</ br>
<p>This is a notification that the process to retrieve data from NetSuite has <bold>NOT</bold> been completed successfully. Please contact the helpdesk to follow-up.</p>
<bold>Http Error:</bold> {TASK(51ea2ef3-2e32-4453-881f-0a07cccaaf75|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Archive Error:</bold> {TASK(60da46b1-f93e-4415-a4ee-62b841a184e9|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Truncate Error:</bold> {TASK(96193bfd-0a39-4e3a-a22e-5af133176fce|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Pre-Bulkcopy Cleanup Error:</bold> {TASK(41f198c6-630d-4ca8-9275-ac9d23d58155|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Bulkcopy Error:</bold> {TASK(3b4b140f-845a-488c-a128-33b0f45de056|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Import Confirmation Error:</bold> {TASK(2abfb808-9919-4c4c-8879-1691424a835b|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Delete File Error:</bold> {TASK(a494fba1-cef2-49ab-a457-4fbc35f4f8bc|StdErr)}</br>
Miles Thornton
The email text uses HTML and specific Task variables, :
<h1>SavedSearch LW Tested Process</h1>
</ br>
<p>This is a notification that the process to retrieve data from NetSuite has <bold>NOT</bold> been completed successfully. Please contact the helpdesk to follow-up.</p>
<bold>Http Error:</bold> {TASK(51ea2ef3-2e32-4453-881f-0a07cccaaf75|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Archive Error:</bold> {TASK(60da46b1-f93e-4415-a4ee-62b841a184e9|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Truncate Error:</bold> {TASK(96193bfd-0a39-4e3a-a22e-5af133176fce|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Pre-Bulkcopy Cleanup Error:</bold> {TASK(41f198c6-630d-4ca8-9275-ac9d23d58155|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Bulkcopy Error:</bold> {TASK(3b4b140f-845a-488c-a128-33b0f45de056|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Import Confirmation Error:</bold> {TASK(2abfb808-9919-4c4c-8879-1691424a835b|StdErr)}</br>
<bold>Delete File Error:</bold> {TASK(a494fba1-cef2-49ab-a457-4fbc35f4f8bc|StdErr)}</br>

SavedSearch LW Tested Process
This is a notification that the process to retrieve data from NetSuite has NOT been completed successfully. Please contact the helpdesk to follow-up.
Http Error:
Archive Error:
Truncate Error:
Pre-Bulkcopy Cleanup Error: Exception in Task: System.Exception: Non zero exit code Exit code (1) description: Incorrect function.
Bulkcopy Error:
Import Confirmation Error:
Delete File Error:

Exit Code: 0 Code = 0 is normal, Code 13 = No data uploaded, all other codes have to be looked up

Technical Details
Process Type:Collections Data Xfer
Process Location:\\WP3APP09\Sentinet\SavedSearch\
Current Process Running: VisualCron.SavedSearch-lwtested
Joey S
I am not 100% sure I know what you are asking but the sentence:

Yet, the email (last Task) shows {JOB(Active|ExitCode)} = 0

Is confusing because you say "last Task" then show a variable for the JOB. The JOb can have an exit code of zero and any task in the job can have a completely different code. The flow decides the code not the overall results
Originally Posted by: Miles Thornton 

Shows 13 - As expected: image.png
Yet, the email (last Task) shows {JOB(Active|ExitCode)} = 0

Can you elaborate the issue some please?

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