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Many of the variables fail in 9.9.0

Forum information
Vince Hufford
We are seeing the same behavior. It appears to affect all the String functions as far as I can tell.
Johan Noyez
We have also the same issue, non of the built-in string manipulation functions work anymore -> could not load assembly GoogleTranslateAPI... will try to go back to 9.8.5 because some critical jobs do not run anymore!
Danny van Oijen
Here also strange issue.

We have a job output like:
16:43:26 [06105] Delivery has bounced. Reason: Failed to connect to the recipient's mail server.  No DNS information was found for the 'domain1.example' domain.
16:43:27 [06105] Delivery has bounced. Reason: Failed to connect to the recipient's mail server.  No DNS information was found for the 'domain2.example' domain.
16:43:28 [06106] Delivery has bounced. Reason: Failed to connect to the recipient's mail server.  No DNS information was found for the 'domain3.example' domain.
16:43:29 [06107] Delivery has bounced. Reason: Failed to connect to the recipient's mail server.  No DNS information was found for the 'domain4.example' domain.
16:43:30 [06108] Delivery has bounced. Reason: Failed to connect to the recipient's mail server.  No DNS information was found for the 'domain5.example' domain.
16:43:31 [06109] Delivery has bounced. Reason: Failed to connect to the recipient's mail server.  No DNS information was found for the 'domain6.example' domain.

When i use the regex query:
{REGEX(Match|{TASK(PrevTask|StdOut)}|(?<=the ')(.*)(?=' domain.))}

We only get 1 result: domain1.example

When trying the REGEX online with a regextester we get:
2021-10-28 15_38_43-regex101_ build, test, and debug regex.png
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