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My jobs disappeared at 10:00 am 11/15/2021after a crash of visual cron.

I updated visualcron at 10:00 pm 11/14/2021.

I noticed the "Maintenance has expired" message at that time but it was sunday so I figure I would buy the license on Monday when I had access to the company credit card.

How can I get my visualcron jobs back?

Forum information
Import the jobs from the backup zips. There should be a default backup job there (if you don't have your own). Look at the job and see where it stores the files. Then go to File-Import and choose the zip file
Originally Posted by: pottmi 

My jobs disappeared at 10:00 am 11/15/2021after a crash of visual cron.

I updated visualcron at 10:00 pm 11/14/2021.

I noticed the "Maintenance has expired" message at that time but it was sunday so I figure I would buy the license on Monday when I had access to the company credit card.

How can I get my visualcron jobs back?

Like thomas said - import the jobs back. Are you still having issues with this? Please email

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