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Version: 9.9.5

I finally figured out that while the "Export..." option when right-clicking on an SSH key is a Visualcron settings export, the "export ssh key" button above the list will actually export a public key in a manner appropriate for importing to an authorized_keys file. (The online documentation on this feature seems to be rather lacking; it just occurred to me I haven't checked the documentation that comes with the program download.)

What took me several minutes longer to figure out is that the export in question will have you browse for an export location on the Visualcron server, but then actually attempts the export to that path on the connected client. So if you are connected from the Visualcron client on another machine, and the path you select doesn't exist on that machine, you get an error; if the path does exist on both machines, you export to the machine running the client, which might be rather confusing.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: bweston 

Version: 9.9.5

I finally figured out that while the "Export..." option when right-clicking on an SSH key is a Visualcron settings export, the "export ssh key" button above the list will actually export a public key in a manner appropriate for importing to an authorized_keys file. (The online documentation on this feature seems to be rather lacking; it just occurred to me I haven't checked the documentation that comes with the program download.)

What took me several minutes longer to figure out is that the export in question will have you browse for an export location on the Visualcron server, but then actually attempts the export to that path on the connected client. So if you are connected from the Visualcron client on another machine, and the path you select doesn't exist on that machine, you get an error; if the path does exist on both machines, you export to the machine running the client, which might be rather confusing.

Thank you for this information. We'll take a look at it!

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