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Brandon Kays
Hello -

I have a simple process being managed by VisualCron to copy some log archives from one location to another, then extract said archives once the transfer is complete. Extremely rudimentary stuff. However, I seem to be having an issue where the archive - extract task is attemping to extract more than just the zip files that it's transferring.

From the logs:

Exception in Task: SevenZip.SevenZipArchiveException: Invalid archive: open/read error! Is it encrypted and a wrong password was provided?
If your archive is an exotic one, it is possible that SevenZipSharp has no signature for its format and thus decided it is TAR by mistake.
at VisualCronService.ProcessTaskArchiveDecompressClass.PopException() in C:\git\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\File\Archive\clsProcessTaskArchiveDecompress.vb:line 230 - file: \\[my-server-IP]\k$\BACKUP\ASPNETDB\ASPNETDB_db_20220228_013008.bak

If I'm reading this correctly, it seems like the extract job is attempting to also open this .bak file as if it were an archive too? In the task settings, I have the "archive type" set specifically to zip, so I assumed this would ignore any non-zip files in the folder and only extract zip files. The contents of previously extracted archives will remain in the folder after the fact, as this is a nightly process with dynamic file names so there isn't an automatic cleanup process removing old files. Is this a problem? Am I misunderstanding this and VisualCron will try to extract everything in the folder (regardless of file extension)?
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Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Brandon Kays 

Hello -

I have a simple process being managed by VisualCron to copy some log archives from one location to another, then extract said archives once the transfer is complete. Extremely rudimentary stuff. However, I seem to be having an issue where the archive - extract task is attemping to extract more than just the zip files that it's transferring.

From the logs:

Exception in Task: SevenZip.SevenZipArchiveException: Invalid archive: open/read error! Is it encrypted and a wrong password was provided?
If your archive is an exotic one, it is possible that SevenZipSharp has no signature for its format and thus decided it is TAR by mistake.
at VisualCronService.ProcessTaskArchiveDecompressClass.PopException() in C:\git\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\File\Archive\clsProcessTaskArchiveDecompress.vb:line 230 - file: \\[my-server-IP]\k$\BACKUP\ASPNETDB\ASPNETDB_db_20220228_013008.bak

If I'm reading this correctly, it seems like the extract job is attempting to also open this .bak file as if it were an archive too? In the task settings, I have the "archive type" set specifically to zip, so I assumed this would ignore any non-zip files in the folder and only extract zip files. The contents of previously extracted archives will remain in the folder after the fact, as this is a nightly process with dynamic file names so there isn't an automatic cleanup process removing old files. Is this a problem? Am I misunderstanding this and VisualCron will try to extract everything in the folder (regardless of file extension)?

Hi Brandon,

Could you email us a simplified job that we can use to reproduce this issue to please?
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