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Is there a max number of tasks per job recommendation? We are currently working a building a new job, these job will have 173 tasks within the job.

Thank you.
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Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: jnimocks 

Is there a max number of tasks per job recommendation? We are currently working a building a new job, these job will have 173 tasks within the job.

Thank you.

There is no limitation on it and its too hard to make any general recommendation because it's very dependant on what sort of tasks, the flows and more. As long as you configure all the tasks and flows correctly it should be no problem.
Joey S
We have a job with 166 tasks that has been running for years
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Joey S 

We have a job with 166 tasks that has been running for years

Thanks for the info! Haven't seen many jobs that big, but i'm glad they're working as intended.
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