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Since upgrading to 9.9.7, after extracting files from password-protected zip files, Visualcron does not seem to release the file lock on the zip files so that the subsequent "Copy - delete source" step can archive them. However, it will continue to extract the contents again every time it runs.

I have not tested this with a non-password-protected file; I spent essentially my entire day yesterday cleaning up the results of the payloads in question being imported 20-25 times into a database instead of once (and then half an hour rewriting the task to use 7zip instead for now). Actually technically I'm still not done with cleanup, but that's because of obscure processing and a poorly indexed table.
Forum information
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: bweston 

Since upgrading to 9.9.7, after extracting files from password-protected zip files, Visualcron does not seem to release the file lock on the zip files so that the subsequent "Copy - delete source" step can archive them. However, it will continue to extract the contents again every time it runs.

I have not tested this with a non-password-protected file; I spent essentially my entire day yesterday cleaning up the results of the payloads in question being imported 20-25 times into a database instead of once (and then half an hour rewriting the task to use 7zip instead for now). Actually technically I'm still not done with cleanup, but that's because of obscure processing and a poorly indexed table.

Thanks for reporting this. We are aware of that there seem to be some sort of file lock issue and we're investigating it.
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