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Yesterday as part of our normal configuration for our machines, i changed the local language for the machine from En-US to Pt-BR.

I had several tasks that were properly working as follows

Task A - HTTP GET which had as response an array JSON similar to this ["value1","value2",....]
Task B - JSON Filter. The filter i was using was a simple
  • , which turned the array into a column table, output MultiValue, Separator CrLf
    All of the tasks had the Variable {TASK(PrevTask|StdOut)}, so as to acquire the JSON from the previous task.
    So it turned the example into something like this


    After yesterdays changes, all of these tasks are giving the following error:

    Exception in Task: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: U. Path '', line 1, position 1.

    As far as i know, nothing else but the machine languague has been changed.
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    Michael Fjellström
    Originally Posted by: Cristian.refere 


    Yesterday as part of our normal configuration for our machines, i changed the local language for the machine from En-US to Pt-BR.

    I had several tasks that were properly working as follows

    Task A - HTTP GET which had as response an array JSON similar to this ["value1","value2",....]
    Task B - JSON Filter. The filter i was using was a simple

  • , which turned the array into a column table, output MultiValue, Separator CrLf
    All of the tasks had the Variable {TASK(PrevTask|StdOut)}, so as to acquire the JSON from the previous task.
    So it turned the example into something like this


    After yesterdays changes, all of these tasks are giving the following error:

    Exception in Task: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: U. Path '', line 1, position 1.

    As far as i know, nothing else but the machine languague has been changed.

  • Are you able to send us a job sample (without dependencies) to so we can try to reproduce this issue please?
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