Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Jerry Keel
Connection failed to 'dna-core-sch:16444'. Connection failed with error:

'Expected reply has not been received within time period ( at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at VisualCronAPI.Server.WaitForReply(String strId, Boolean bolUseTimeout, Int32 timeOut, CancellationToken cancelToken) in C:\git\code\VisualCronAPI\Server\Server.vb:line 1241
at VisualCronAPI.Server.SendProtocolRequest(Int32 intTimeout) in C:\git\code\VisualCronAPI\Server\Server.vb:line 1476
at VisualCronAPI.Client._Connect(Connection conn, Server s, Boolean SynchronizeServerObjects) in C:\git\code\VisualCronAPI\Client\Client.vb:line 745
at VisualCronAPI.Client.Connect(Connection conn, Boolean SynchronizeServerObjects, Boolean bolInternal) in C:\git\code\VisualCronAPI\Client\Client.vb:line 1196
at ODNKNCFDHHPJPCMOFFIIHIOEPAPDAKPENFKF.BFKKBFHNMCPNGKDAMGHAALAAGFILDGDNGLPK.Connect(Object sc, Form& invokeForm) in C:\git\code\VisualCron\Connection\apiConnection.vb:line 257
at ODNKNCFDHHPJPCMOFFIIHIOEPAPDAKPENFKF.BFKKBFHNMCPNGKDAMGHAALAAGFILDGDNGLPK.Connect(Object strServerId, Object invokeForm) in C:\git\code\VisualCron\Connection\apiConnection.vb:line 239
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart())'

Do you want to try reconnecting?
Forum information
I have the same issue and get the
Connection failed to 'SERVER:16444'. Connection failed with error:

'The requested upgrade is not supported by 'net.tcp://SERVER:16444/'. This could be due to mismatched bindings (for example security enabled on the client and not on the server).'

Do you want to try reconnecting?
Michael Fjellström
Please send an email with details of your environment and setup and the error,

Here is the documentation for the new AD Auth function, please setup the clients accordingly:

  image.png (262kb) downloaded 127 time(s).  image.png (385kb) downloaded 115 time(s).
Sean Smith
I am experiencing the same issue. I submitted a ticket and waiting for response. Any good info you have received or things to try?

My client (installed on laptop, version 9.9.8 --> VPN is zScaler/GlobalProtect...doesn't seem to matter)
Server (installed on VM, version 9.9.8 --> vmxnet3 NIC)

Wireshark is showing no blockages that I can tell...some odd TLS 1.2 messages, but most other traffic ACK without issue.

This started with the update to 9.9.8.
I had to go in and specific the SPN settings and host information as shown in the screen shots to get the remote client to work. The server was fine with the default settings.
Sean Smith
Good news...
Worked with support and we tried numerous things, but this is what ended up working for me.

- windows OS --> 2019 DC (prob a non-factor) and fully patched
- services.msc --> VisualCron running as "Local System". We tried a service account, but that introduced all sorts of odd issues.
- visualcron 9.9.8 server side --> pretty much defaults, but if you are using AD, make sure to check "Allow Active Directory Logon" under the "Users/Logon" settings
2022-06-21 15_59_01-Window.png
- visualcron 9.9.8 client side --> pretty much defaults, but when you add in a server connection with AD logon --> select "SPN identity" and under "Principal name" --> enter the FQDN of the server. In the end --> my settings looked like this on the client and seems to be working as expected.
2022-06-21 15_49_46-Window.png
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Sean Smith 

Good news...
Worked with support and we tried numerous things, but this is what ended up working for me.

- windows OS --> 2019 DC (prob a non-factor) and fully patched
- services.msc --> VisualCron running as "Local System". We tried a service account, but that introduced all sorts of odd issues.
- visualcron 9.9.8 server side --> pretty much defaults, but if you are using AD, make sure to check "Allow Active Directory Logon" under the "Users/Logon" settings
2022-06-21 15_59_01-Window.png
- visualcron 9.9.8 client side --> pretty much defaults, but when you add in a server connection with AD logon --> select "SPN identity" and under "Principal name" --> enter the FQDN of the server. In the end --> my settings looked like this on the client and seems to be working as expected.
2022-06-21 15_49_46-Window.png

Thank you for confirming.
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