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I am using an email trigger to forward a particular email to another. When I have it triggering, it is then erasing the subject line of the original email. How do I keep the original subject line? There is certain identifying information in the subject line that needs to be sent through.
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Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: hjohnson 

I am using an email trigger to forward a particular email to another. When I have it triggering, it is then erasing the subject line of the original email. How do I keep the original subject line? There is certain identifying information in the subject line that needs to be sent through.


That is odd. This is an older bug that we have reported as fixed almost a year ago. What version are you using?
I am on 9.9.8 - Pro.

Here are the settings for the forward email:
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: hjohnson 

I am on 9.9.8 - Pro.

Here are the settings for the forward email:

Have you been able to reproduce this with the latest version? If you have,

Please create a ticket with this issue and send it to, as we are preparing to close down this section of the forums. So all technical issues are best (and fastest) solved via email tickets.
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