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  •  ACS
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Edited a job - changing it by removing a few tasks. I did not mess with a file list task that had a notice in its flow on error.
It was part of a loop that was deleted and then a new loop was created and this task is now part of the new loop. (Simple 1 to 3 loop)
Now the flow notice is randomly sending out and the job is not reporting any errors at all.
I might have fixed this by cloning the edited job to a new one and deleting the old one.

I'm hoping that this will not happen every time I have to change a job with notices in the task flows.

Thanks, let me know if you can reproduce this issue.
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Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: ACS 

Edited a job - changing it by removing a few tasks. I did not mess with a file list task that had a notice in its flow on error.
It was part of a loop that was deleted and then a new loop was created and this task is now part of the new loop. (Simple 1 to 3 loop)
Now the flow notice is randomly sending out and the job is not reporting any errors at all.
I might have fixed this by cloning the edited job to a new one and deleting the old one.

I'm hoping that this will not happen every time I have to change a job with notices in the task flows.

Thanks, let me know if you can reproduce this issue.


I have not been able to reproduce this. Can you send a short sample attachment without dependencies and with steps on how to reproduce it to
  •  ACS
  • Paid support Topic Starter
I have not gotten this again and we have moved on.
Thanks for trying to reproduce it.
We are on 9.9.12 and things are looking ok so far.

Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: ACS 

I have not gotten this again and we have moved on.
Thanks for trying to reproduce it.
We are on 9.9.12 and things are looking ok so far.


Thank you for the information.
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