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Marco Maat
Whe have muliple users logging in to the same VC server.
As soon as the 2nd user logs in you can see the progressbar of running jobs slow down or even stop.
And as soon as that user logs off you can see the jobs speed up.
Whe downgraded back to 9.8.8 for the meanwhile.

Forum information
Marco Maat
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Marco Maat 

Whe have muliple users logging in to the same VC server.
As soon as the 2nd user logs in you can see the progressbar of running jobs slow down or even stop.
And as soon as that user logs off you can see the jobs speed up.
Whe downgraded back to 9.8.8 for the meanwhile.


Please re-download 9.9.12 from the official site. There was a bug that made the jobs.xml file grow larger and larger, resulting in slower running jobs and other issues which we recently fixed by uploading a new updated version of 9.9.12

If you still have this issue after re-downloading, please send an email to
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