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Currently the System Restart task function does not verify a successful restart.

The System Restart task issues a WMI function "Win32Shutdown". If there is a problem issuing the command the task will fail. But...what if the system hangs going down or coming back up? I would like to see the System restart task monitor the entire restart cycle.

Here is how I think the System Restart task could work:

1. Issue WMI function "Win32Shutdown" (Status = "Issued restart request")
2. Ping system until timeout response is returned (Status while pinging = "System going down")
3. Ping system until valid reply is returned (Status while pinging = "System booting")
4. Pause 3 minutes (Status while paused = "System coming up")
5. Check System Event log for a 6005 event (Status = "System restarted successfully")

That is a simplistic but effective process that could guarantee a restart. Additional conditions could be added to make the process more robust but this would be an excellent improvement on the blind restart that's in palce today. A side benefit of checking the Event log after a restart is that would prove a certain level of system functionality, thereby providing confidence that the system is up and healthy.
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