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I just created two new Notifications and wanted to assign them to all of my scheduled jobs - one on Completion and the other on Failure. I had to go in to every job (62 of them) and assign them manually.

I would like to see an option in Manage Notifications that would show me all of the jobs and let me assign the notification I'm editing (have another window open so that you don't have to load all of the jobs everytime you are editing the notification) and let me assign the notification (or unassign as the case may be) from that one window.

That would be a huge time saver! :)
Forum information
This would be highly desirable for us as well.
This would also be desirable for conditions.

What we find is that as we become more familiar with Visual Cron, there are additional features we want to add to existing jobs. Since our stable of existing jobs is rapidly growing, it is increasingly time-consuming to have to edit each job individually, rather than having a global menu that can be checked or unchecked for each job. (This would be useful for any feature of Visual Cron for which it would make sense.)
I would like to know if it's possible to add within the job list and Task List a column with a "Condition status".

This status should show if a condition is used and the result status of this condition.
This can be very helpful for job-debugging ecc.

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