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  •  test
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I've noticed in the new version, 5.5, the Output Limit box is none selectable now. I have read through some threads and found that this was removed, and should always show full output? I am using the Copy File Task, and need the full output written to a file, however, only the 2K is being written. How do we get around this issue, keeping the limit a variable and not hard coded?

Forum information
Which Variable do you use?

The Copy files uses the same common output handling which means that there are no restrictions.

Have you updated both the Client and the Server to 5.5.5?
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  •  test
  • No customer Topic Starter
Using version 5.5, both client and server.

A little back ground, created a Job to copies files older the X to another location, and will be writing the copy log out to a pre set file.

To create the copy log, I am using the write to file task after the copy file task. I am using the variable StdOut from the copy file task, in the visualcron variables list, and writing that to the file.

I found a way around that if I modify manually the visualcron settings xml file, by removing the limit log file size, and by setting it from true to false.

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