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  •  ToniG
  • No customer Topic Starter

Please could someone let me know if the following is possible?

We have an app that creates batches of images. It has a setting for a destination and within there for each batch it creates a directory (random name) and adds the images once they are complete. It usually takes around a minute to finish adding images to the folder.

What we need to do is move these subfolders and their contents to another drive.

I have set up a job/tasks to check for files in the main directory and subfolders that are older than 3 minutes. This then moves the file structure to a temporary location and from their takes a copy to an archive and a processing server before emptying the temp location.

i) Is it possible to check the age of a directory and copy itself and any contained files regardless of the age of the contained files? I.E the dir may be 3 minutes old but as the images aren't written simultaneously they may only be 2 minutes old.
ii) Can the file copy job remove subfolders once the files in there have been copied to destination and source deleted?

Many thanks in advance, any input welcomed.

Forum information
ToniG wrote:

i) Is it possible to check the age of a directory and copy itself and any contained files regardless of the age of the contained files? I.E the dir may be 3 minutes old but as the images aren't written simultaneously they may only be 2 minutes old.

I just checked and VisualCron does have folder variables however nothing to check the age of it. I think you may be out of luck with this one. If you have someone with some .NET programming experience you could create a program that calls the "GetCreationTime" function. Then compare it to the current time to see if is 3 minutes old. Information about the function is here: 


Right now we can only check and filter out files - not based on directory.
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