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I have a task which monitors a pre-existing folder for a file being created. When this condition is met, VC is instructed to print the file to a specific printer using the file name trigger.

I noticed last night that if I drop multiple files into the directory at the same time (cut/paste) it doesn't always send each unique file to the printer. Often times, it will duplicate the files being printed which of course is a problem. :)

I was wondering if this could be duplicated on your end, and if it was something that was fixable. It is possible I am using the wrong trigger, but it seems to work well enough when the files are not being created at the same time.
Forum information
Perhaps you are using the Change event instead of Created. That will cause duplicate triggering.
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Support wrote:

Perhaps you are using the Change event instead of Created. That will cause duplicate triggering.

The trigger is definitely using the created flag. I set up a test event and exported the settings for you to see. You should be able to easily duplicate this. I installed 4.9.9 to see if maybe it was the version I was running (4.9.3 on location) but it still does it.

Here's what I did:

1) Make a folder on your desktop called test
2) create 4 .txt files (mine were aaaa.txt, bbbb.txt, cccc.txt, dddd.txt)
3) set up the task to monitor the 'test' folder on the desktop with a created file trigger
4) write out the file name to a text file called files.txt which is placed on the desktop
5) drop all 4 text files at the same time into the directory, and it will (sometimes) execute the job 4 times by writing the file names to the files.txt file but the file names written will not all be unique. Try different variations on your results by dropping in 2 or 3 files at a time instead of all 4.

I tried adding a 5 second wait after each file write, but that didn't help any.

There's not a way to add attachments here, so if you want the file let me know and I can shoot it over to you. Just send me an email, jason[dot]weible🇦🇹gmail[dot]com
Jason, we will get back to you with a full test in the beginning of the next week as one of the responsible developers are on vacaction. Hope this is not causing a problem for you.
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Support wrote:

Jason, we will get back to you with a full test in the beginning of the next week as one of the responsible developers are on vacaction. Hope this is not causing a problem for you.

That's fine, just keep me posted. 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Jason,

we are back and could not reproduce the problem directly. To analyze this we need to know if the problem is in the Trigger or in the Printing part. Please provide us with the following:

1. Export your settings and send to
2. Turn "Extended debug logging" on and try to reproduce it. Once that is done then please send us log_serverXXXXX.txt to us. Please tell us in the email how many files you copied and how many times it was triggered.
3. Add a file write task and append the file name from the trigger to a file. Try to reproduce it and send us result which contains which files where added and the text file which you used the file write task with.

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Hi Jason,

after looking at your sample I see 2 problems:

1. You have not unchecked "Don't run if Job is already running"
2. You are pointing to a Trigger that might change while looking at it. Use this Trigger instead.

Doing these changes and I get 4 rows every time in my file.
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Support wrote:

Hi Jason,

after looking at your sample I see 2 problems:

1. You have not unchecked "Don't run if Job is already running"
2. You are pointing to a Trigger that might change while looking at it. Use this Trigger instead.

Doing these changes and I get 4 rows every time in my file.

Which trigger? It looks like your copy/paste did not work or something. 🙂
Sorry 😗

I mean, use this Variable instead: {TRIGGER(Active,LastTrigger,File.Result.FullPath)}
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Fantastic, that did the trick.

Thank you as always for your prompt and accurate response! =d>
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