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There is a particular SFTP site that I cannot seem to connect to. When I attempt to connect via the explorer window I get the folder list but then I immediately get disconnected (see attached image).

I turned on extended debugging and disabled all tasks in the job except the SFTP task that attempts to upload the files.

11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	User "Peter" - Ran Job: Kohls - NeuAnalytic Files
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Skipping Condition check because the Job was run manually.
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Task: Add comments to table and create note files was skipped because it was inactive.
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Task: DC2 Account was skipped because it was inactive.
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Task: DC2 Comment was skipped because it was inactive.
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Task: DC2 Transaction was skipped because it was inactive.
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Task: DCLG Account was skipped because it was inactive.
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Task: DCLG Comment was skipped because it was inactive.
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Task: DCLG Transaction was skipped because it was inactive.
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Debug	Task (149817) was added to processlist: Send Files
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Info	Task started: Send Files (149817)
11/2/2010 8:44:50 AM	Debug	FTP Command Count: 6
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Err	Failed to get folder content from folder: dcm-kohls:/, err: SFTP component not connected
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Commands done
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Before dispose
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Disposing timer
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Stopping watch
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Before GetOutput
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Before RaiseTaskCompleted
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Info	Task completed: Send Files (149817)
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Setting previous task in TaskProcessCompleted: Send Files (*** ID DELETED ***) in job: Kohls - NeuAnalytic Files
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Process status - About to SendTaskProcess (149817)
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Process status - About to RemoveTaskProcess (149817)
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Task (149817) was removed from processlist: Send Files
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Job (54049) was removed from processlist: Kohls - NeuAnalytic Files
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Debug	Next execution (2) for job 'Kohls - NeuAnalytic Files' is: 11/3/2010 8:30:00 AM
11/2/2010 8:44:53 AM	Info	Job completed: Kohls - NeuAnalytic Files

Do you need any other information to investigate? We currently have a workaround to this problem. Filezilla can connect just fine so we are able to send the files manually.

Thank you,

File Attachment(s):
connection.bmp (1,001kb) downloaded 65 time(s).
Forum information
I should also mention we are on version 5.6.2.
It looks like the target folder might be specified wrong. Please attach a screen shot of your settings.
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Here is a screenshot of the target folder. I've tried entering ".", "\", "/", and "./" in the destination folder text box. I am trying to upload 6 files into the root directory after the connection is made.


File Attachment(s):
folder.bmp (852kb) downloaded 88 time(s).
We could try to test connecting to the server if you send us a test account to

It seems like the server has a very different way of handling folders. What server name and version is it?
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