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  •  jens
  • No customer Topic Starter
First, apologies if answers appear elsewhere. I didn't see this in the tutorial, help, or search of forum, but point me toward a better search method if I've missed something there.

My question:

I wish to use VC to inform users when things have occurred in an MSSQL database. (I know this can be done via SQL itself, but right now that's not my best choice).

I have set up a job with a SQL task that does return what I need. I set up a notification to use the output of that task. It's pretty clunky, though -- I wound up just writing a new select statement to make it "prettier". Fine, so far.

However, though I have selected "CRLF" for Line Break under Output, my results are simply running together -- no line break. (Nothing for just Cr or Lf either). Email received is just a long, comma-delimited list of results, with just a space at the end of each result "line" before beginning another "line" immediately.

Is there an easier way to use fields I return from a SQL query? Is there a nicer way I can format them? I would love to be able to put the individual resulting fields in an email that is written around these values.

Forum information
What about altering the Output settings in the output Tab of the Task?
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  •  jens
  • No customer Topic Starter
I did try this. All I see are options to include field names, a field separator, a text qualifier, and line break. Unfortunately, line breaks don't actually appear in the email. It all just runs together. I did try changing the line break to another value, but no luck.

I did use a workaround - I created my select statement as one long string and added a <br> to the end of it, and sent the email as HTML instead of text, in a new task of the same job rather than in the notifications tab. That worked. I'm still wishing for a way to access the individual fields in the output, but it doesn't look like that's how VC is put together, so I'll rely on SSIS where needed.

Any info on why no line breaks appear, I'm all ears, since some people don't like HTML email, and these emails would go to customers whose preferences I don't know. Just doesn't look professional without line breaks.

What we could to is to add a method that replaces new line - with anything you want. I guess the email clients that don't see the line breaks is not viewing the email as Text but HTML.
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