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I think I understand in theory how I could launch a series of jobs in sequence from a single job. I would like to create a single job called "Nightly Build" that would launch each of the different application build jobs in a needed sequence. I have tried to set up Conditions etc., but each of the jobs just launch one on top of the other so they are all running at the same time. To get around this, I just created the last task for each job that launches the next job. I would like the Jobs to launch in a simailar fashion as a list of tasks within a job.

What am I missing in terms of understanding how this is to be done, and what steps could be taken to make this work. Thanks in advance.
Forum information
We have not implemented any straightforward way to do what you describe. We would like to start a discussion how you would like it to work.

Currently, you can use Conditions, but that is a little backward. We are thinking of implementing Post-Conditions which could make it more clear. Another approach that you can use is to add a VisualCron Trigger  to each Job. You use the Job completed Trigger and specify the previous Job.
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I would like it to work in a similar fashion to the process of running a series of batch files. When I queue up a series of batch files, they launch one after the other but not concurrently. I believe the "Run Tasks in order" check box makes this possible. However in the case where the task is to launch a job, this does not work. All the jobs launch. The control should not come back to the "Master" job to launch the next job, until the current job is complete.

The trigger option that you mentioned is similar to what I already do, which is to launch a job as the last task in the Queue. This works just fine, but does require me to create duplicate jobs for each needed job (one for inlcusion in a string of nightly build jobs, and one that runs as a single build).

With the solution suggested above, I would just have single build jobs for each project, then I would create a Nightly Build job that would allow me to add and remove any of the single build jobs as needed.
I am seing this as a Feature request and move this topic to that forum. Thank you.
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