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I build perl ftp programs every day. Number and name of ftp programs can change. I don't want them define as tasks in a visualcron job every day. But visualcron job should address the list of tasks in defined folder for example on desktop and then start the tasks in serial oder simultaneously.
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We try to make as generic solutions as possible. If you list the programming steps in this you may find too that the request is very specific to your needs. For me it seems that this kind of logic should exist in your perl file - and that you have one task in VisualCron that launches this perl file.

A VisualCron task is very complex in it's structure. You can look at the jobs.xml file. So, it would be harder for you to create that xml file than solve the actual Task in perl. Please correct me if I have misunderstood you.
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It is not only perl. It can be another program. Every day I get a list of server names who deliever performance data. The list can change every day. For each server I create a perl ftp. The advantage is I can then start many ftp simulataneously and need much fewer time than pack all perl ftp in one and start this giant ftp. Therefore my idea of a folder which contains programs to start as tasks. Is that not a generic solution for other users?

Maybe there is another solution? Manually I mark up all perl ftp programs in folder and click on OPEN so all programs start at the same time. How could I do that in a batch? Then VisualCron could start this batch. 🤔
It sounds simple. But how should it start the tasks (with what Task) and with what parameters? When should they be started? How should should the format be in your files? There are a lot of questions 🙂
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