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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter

I have setup my tasks with notifications.
If the tasks has an error it wil email me some information.

This is the email:

VisualCron: There is a probleem with {JOB(Active,Name)} !

There is a problem during processing a task:
Job:  {JOB(Active,Name)}
Info: {JOB(Active,Desc)}

Task: {TASK(Active,Name)}

Error output:

The problem sometimes occurs is that the {TASK(Active,StdOut)} is empty in the mail, but when I look with the client it is filled.
The other variables from the JOB are filled and are in the email.

The email (notification) is triggered from the task, so I should be able to use the ACTIVE part here. The weird part is that sometimes the task output IS in the mail, so it is also not always the case.

Could this be because I have more jobs running the same time? So when the task fails, it gets task output from a different task from a different job? The JOB ACTIVE variables gives me the right job name though.

I looked at the log file and the folowing lines got my attention:
7/12/2011 8:00:44 AM	Err	Exception in Task: Non zero exit code
7/12/2011 8:00:45 AM	Err	Task "Verwerk [mmdd]d15d en [mmdd]d_5d tot een TripleA import bestand" exited with code: 1(Incorrect function.)
7/12/2011 8:00:45 AM	Info	Task completed: Verwerk [mmdd]d15d en [mmdd]d_5d tot een TripleA import bestand (98902)
7/12/2011 8:00:45 AM	Err	Could not kill current process with id: 5456, error: Process with an Id of 5456 is not running.
7/12/2011 8:00:45 AM	Debug	Running File Notification: 'TAAK log naar  f:\jobs\log\[jobnaam].txt'
7/12/2011 8:00:45 AM	Debug	Running Email Notification: 'TAAK email naar VisualCron beheerders'
7/12/2011 8:00:45 AM	Info	Task completed: Verwerk [mmdd]d15d en [mmdd]d_5d tot een TripleA import bestand (98902)
7/12/2011 8:00:45 AM	Info	Task process was aborted by user (98902)
7/12/2011 8:00:45 AM	Info	Job completed: MSCI Main Security file

This is the log of the failing task. What is the line with the killing part?? Could this be pointing to something?

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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Erik, I have no answer right now but will get back to you on Friday.
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The killing part is about that when the Task ends it tries to close any existing process. The actual process has already exited. We have changed this logging to be more clear for next version.

As for the output it would be great if it can be reproduced in some way. We tried some different scenarios but could not reproduce it.
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