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I want to get a report of every job I have scheduled and the times that I have those jobs scheduled. Is there an easy way to get this information from the API in a "readable" format?

I have seen by looking at the Triggers array and then at the TTime object within the trigger, I get a list of the time triggers that are set, but there are a ton of fields in there and what I'm really just looking for is something that says:

Every 4 hrs from 12:00am to 11:59:59pm

Or something to that effect.

If it wasn't available through the API, but could be generated from the Client - something that would list each job, and then next to each job it would give you the schedule(s) for that job. This way you could have an excel sheet (if you were to dump it as a tab delimited file) that would let you see all of your jobs and when they were going to run - you could verify at a glance where you had space to run other jobs?

Maybe even at some point a view that would let you see what jobs where scheduled to run where (look at Idera's SQL Job Manager -it's currently free) - but it will give you a schedule view of all the jobs that are out there and it walks through the schedule as time goes on showing you what's currently running.
Forum information
This isn't the first time this has been requested; if you take Ideras product description of their Job Manager (remove the word SQL) it is exactly what a Job Scheduler like VisualCron should have as standard and not being debated about in a Feature Request forum!

"View and manage [SQL] Server jobs across multiple servers from a central point of control with [SQL] job manager! Quickly identify failed or runaway jobs. Drag and drop to rearrange or reschedule jobs. Or drag and drop to move jobs across servers. [SQL] job manager will save you hours of time and reduce the administrative headaches associated with cross-server job management."
I must add that the debate is very important. Feature requests from you make it more clear for us what you need. In the debate/discussion we also have a possibility to narrow down details - and don't just implement it how we look at it. So, adutoit, the debate is important to us.
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I have to agree with Henrick - I think the debate can be handy in that what I might think is "perfect" might not work for everyone else. By having the debate, the makers of VC can find out exactly what functionality is needed and try to provide the best of all worlds.

Now I wouldn't want to see this go out for months and months - hopefully a decision could be reached rather quickly 🙂.

I've written a small tool in .NET that shows the jobs that are scheduled on the server you select and then it also writes them to a file in tab delimited format that I can open in Excel. It's not perfect, but it gives me the ability to see the jobs and the times that things are scheduled. I'm not writing out the tasks yet as that's another undertaking in and of itself.

If anyone wants the code, please post that here - I'll see if I can find someplace to put it so that others can get to it.


PS: One other feature I'd like to see is a Category field - just a plain text or perhaps something that can be created at the application level and then assigned to each task. I'm currently using the Description as my "Category" and then I can group my jobs by description - this lets me see them in sets. e.g. Distribution, Publication, Processing, Imports, etc.

Just wanted to tell that these kind of enterprise functions are on the to do list. Unfortunately, it is not a quick change but a part of a larger change. Hopefully we start with this during the summer.
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Please look at the Print report function in 5.1.4. And we could have that as a discussion for future development.
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