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I think this may be due to a change on Dropbox's side, not Visualcron's, as I am pretty sure it happened after we had been using 9.1.5 for some time, but I'm not positive. I'd hoped upgrading to 9.3.0 would fix it, but it has not.

It is possible that this is specific to having the download set to delete the file afterward; I have not had a good opportunity to test.

As far as I can tell, both the download and the deletion are otherwise successful.

As an interesting side note, apparently this mangling prevents neither extraction of a zip file nor operation on a tif using least, not such that we have noticed it so far.

There seems to have been a point in the past when similar behavior resulted from not passing a required content type header, but I currently have no strong reason to think this might be related.
Forum information
Are you talking about the Cloud Trigger and download option? Is it possible you can share details with so we can reproduce it from here?
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No cloud trigger. Just Coud Transfer Download File(s), using the official VisualCron registered app, albeit from quite some time ago. Source folder is a subfolder, item mask *, Files is selected, not case sensitive, not including subfolders, no other filters; download file mask also *; overwrite if existing; keep modified/created date, and delete source file after download.

Getting "Authenticate" to work is a pain, especially without remoting into the machine with the actual server installation, so I'm not sure I tried setting it up fresh, but I think I did.
Originally Posted by: bweston 

No cloud trigger. Just Coud Transfer Download File(s), using the official VisualCron registered app, albeit from quite some time ago. Source folder is a subfolder, item mask *, Files is selected, not case sensitive, not including subfolders, no other filters; download file mask also *; overwrite if existing; keep modified/created date, and delete source file after download.

Getting "Authenticate" to work is a pain, especially without remoting into the machine with the actual server installation, so I'm not sure I tried setting it up fresh, but I think I did.

Hi bweston,

I just wanted to check up on you and your issue. Have you sent an email to with details?

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No, I had not, since I didn't anticipate needing to share any details too confidential for the forum and I consider moving from a forum thread to email to be a significant downgrade in communication. I didn't realize there were other reasons for switching to email, forgot to mention my distaste for it in my previous post, wrote a powershell task to strip the 400 error text out the files since I don't know how soon I'll be able to upgrade even if it gets fixed, and then completely forgot the suggestion of email had even been mentioned. I will do that later this week.
Originally Posted by: bweston 

No, I had not, since I didn't anticipate needing to share any details too confidential for the forum and I consider moving from a forum thread to email to be a significant downgrade in communication. I didn't realize there were other reasons for switching to email, forgot to mention my distaste for it in my previous post, wrote a powershell task to strip the 400 error text out the files since I don't know how soon I'll be able to upgrade even if it gets fixed, and then completely forgot the suggestion of email had even been mentioned. I will do that later this week.

I understand. Thanks for the information.

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