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I tried adding a task which should start a task further down in the job, and thus skipping the tasks inbetween.
However - this is not the case. I just get an error that the specific task could not be started.

An example of the problem:
1) Write file
2) Read file
3) Start task "Print file" (in the same job)
4) Delete file
5) Print file

In this case I would not expect the file to be deleted in 4), since it should jump to task 5).
I even tried to add a "Stop job" task between 3) and 4), but it just caused the job to stop without running 4) or 5).

I am puzzled. Do I really have to break the job into two separate jobs in order to do this?

Imho, conditioned jumps should be a standard operation. :)

Best regards,
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