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Igor Guerra
I'm setting up RabbitMQ for the first time on VisualCron but I'm having some problems understanding how it works. Here are a couple of questions I have:

1 - Does VisualCron supports "AMQP 0.9.1"?

/* Connections */
2 - The address on the connection, should it start with "rabbitmq://", "http://" or just the address?

3 - Should Virtual Hosts be placed in the address field (like "localhost/virtual_host_name") or should it be in the path field (like "/virtual_host_name")?

/* Sending Messages */
4 - When sending a message, how do I add a JSON to it?

5 - Will VisualCron send or publish a message? If it's publishing, how do I define the message type?
Forum information
Originally Posted by: Igor Guerra 

I'm setting up RabbitMQ for the first time on VisualCron but I'm having some problems understanding how it works. Here are a couple of questions I have:

1 - Does VisualCron supports "AMQP 0.9.1"?

/* Connections */
2 - The address on the connection, should it start with "rabbitmq://", "http://" or just the address?

3 - Should Virtual Hosts be placed in the address field (like "localhost/virtual_host_name") or should it be in the path field (like "/virtual_host_name")?

/* Sending Messages */
4 - When sending a message, how do I add a JSON to it?

5 - Will VisualCron send or publish a message? If it's publishing, how do I define the message type?


Apologize for the late response. Are you still having this issue? If so, please email us at with details

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