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  •  Yabin
  • Paid support Topic Starter
We are running VisualCron 9.3.0.

We have several critical jobs triggered by file creation in a network path (DFS path in this case). We found that the file trigger was in "inactive" state every a few months. We are unclear about the root cause. We suspect that the destination path was temporarily unavailable due to machine reboot.

Since this happened before, we set up a "file trigger audit" job to send the email alert and reactivate the triggers when they are found to be inactive. However, this audit job has never been triggered even the audited file trigger was inactivated last time. Below is the configuration of the VisualCron trigger of the audit job. Are we configuring it in a proper way? If not, please advise the proper settings.

To prevent this from happening again. We've enabled "No limit" for "on error reconnect attempts". Will this prevent the file trigger from being inactivated even the destination DFS path is unavailable?
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Originally Posted by: Yabin 

We are running VisualCron 9.3.0.

We have several critical jobs triggered by file creation in a network path (DFS path in this case). We found that the file trigger was in "inactive" state every a few months. We are unclear about the root cause. We suspect that the destination path was temporarily unavailable due to machine reboot.

Since this happened before, we set up a "file trigger audit" job to send the email alert and reactivate the triggers when they are found to be inactive. However, this audit job has never been triggered even the audited file trigger was inactivated last time. Below is the configuration of the VisualCron trigger of the audit job. Are we configuring it in a proper way? If not, please advise the proper settings.

To prevent this from happening again. We've enabled "No limit" for "on error reconnect attempts". Will this prevent the file trigger from being inactivated even the destination DFS path is unavailable?

Please try using the second option, only "Trigger inactivated"

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