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If you want to read 5-10-15 files that were created it is not very fast to make tasks for each of them.
I make 12 repadmin /showrepl script on PowerShell tasks for my 12 DC. I write the results in a folder that is created with the date of the day and into it i write all results of the PS commands :

I need to search with a "read-file" task if my DC Replication is OK so I need to make 12 "read-file" tasks.

I'd like to know if it's possible to add an option that will read all files content of a folder. That would be a lot easier.
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Originally Posted by: Lorentz Michael 

If you want to read 5-10-15 files that were created it is not very fast to make tasks for each of them.
I make 12 repadmin /showrepl script on PowerShell tasks for my 12 DC. I write the results in a folder that is created with the date of the day and into it i write all results of the PS commands :

I need to search with a "read-file" task if my DC Replication is OK so I need to make 12 "read-file" tasks.

I'd like to know if it's possible to add an option that will read all files content of a folder. That would be a lot easier.

Hi, I think you can use loop with the Read File task + variables for that. Do you tried use this?
Anyway, you can use powershell script or .NET task for that as workaround.
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