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I'd like to set up a task that runs a script to check for data, then send an email with those results if the exist. I'm setting the sql results to send to Output of the task, but I am not sure how to set up a wild card condition that will fire if any text in Output exists. If I use "Contains" as the rule and use a * wildcard, nothing fires. I have to specify the exact text to look for in order to meet the condition, which will not work because results will vary. Is it possible to set a condition to send an email if *any* results are present in Output for the task?

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Using the SQL that is generating your data, turn that sql statement into a sql Count statement for the criteria you are filtering for. Take that count result and use it in the Flow portion of the task. If Output = 0 then stop task. If count > 0 then run the next task in line, which would be your Select statement that produces your wanted data.
Thanks for the suggestions I'll try it
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