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Searched forum but didn't find exact problem, possible I missed it.

I've got a folder with files file1, file2, and file3. I could like to compress them individually resulting in names like file1.gz, file2.gz, and file3.gz.

I couldn't figure out the incantation to do this. I'm trying to use File --> Archive which might be wrong because I'm not in any way trying to actually archive or collate the files, I just need individual compression.

I'll keep searching but thought I'd do a forum post in parallel.


confundido aka Dennis
Forum information
A tiny bit more detail.

The names of the files are always changing.

I would like to gzip all the individual files in a specific folder keeping their same root names but adding the suffix .gz.

Luke Saunders
You're probably going to want to use a loop on the archive task. First create a task the lists all the files you need to zip and use that tasks output in the loop settings, for each x in y using {TASK(PrevTask|StdOut)}, and then {LOOP(CurrentValueX)} as your archive task input.
Originally Posted by: confundido 

A tiny bit more detail.

The names of the files are always changing.

I would like to gzip all the individual files in a specific folder keeping their same root names but adding the suffix .gz.

Like Luke said,
You're most likely going to want to use loop for your automation needs on this.

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