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  •  Chad
  • Paid support Topic Starter
VisualCron version 9.6.5

SSIS package was created on another server with Visual Studio 2019. Package deletes data in a database table on a server.
Runs successfully when debugging from Visual Studio.

Using VisualCron to execute SSIS package get the following error:

Error: -1073676274,The connection "{5D08232E-D357-4E60-872D-A7D024F51D5E}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.

Forum information
Post some pics of you setup, connections and so on. It's easier to help then. SSIS works fine for us
Originally Posted by: Chad 

VisualCron version 9.6.5

SSIS package was created on another server with Visual Studio 2019. Package deletes data in a database table on a server.
Runs successfully when debugging from Visual Studio.

Using VisualCron to execute SSIS package get the following error:

Error: -1073676274,The connection "{5D08232E-D357-4E60-872D-A7D024F51D5E}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.

Please show screenshot of the settings. Also try re-creating the connection and then re-select it in the task.

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