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Bruce Reagan
I have a script that I have been running for years in Visual Cron. It is setup like this:
command: python.exe
arguments: "dbconnection\ASMT_BSE_PARCELBLKCIRC_L" "dbconnection\PROP_PARCELBLOCKCIRCLE_L"

When I run it in python, I use argparse to get the arguments. If I count the number of arguments that come in, the count is 2.

If I run the exact same script (with the exact same version of Python) in VC 9.8, it returns a count of 3 arguments. (i.e. it includes the script name as an argument). This makes sense, but I just don't know what has changed to have it behave differently. I actually have about 30 more of these and if there is a VC environment or switch I can throw it would be easier than fixing all the scripts.

Any ideas why this would be different?
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