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Updated to 9.8.5 today from 9.8.0 and now the SFTP server connections no longer work. They keep giving me a Connection test Failed. Error : invalid filename error when I test the connection.

From this error on the task.

Exception in – RaiseExceptionStatic error: TaskProcess.TPCResult is null. Original error: ˜ RaiseExceptionStatic error: TaskProcess.Task.Stats is null. Original error: ( Exception for Task 'L ' was ignored due to OnError setting (0 HTTP Task->Cookie name:  Error doing  on URL: < Error at executing HTTP task: R HTTP Task->GetResponse->Found file name: L HTTP Task->GetResponse->Found header: : Error getting HTTP response:  __VIEWSTATE value="h /wEPDwUKMTI1NTM1OTg3M2RkjzgXr5digtE3PPJ0sWHgcYnbfLQ=X HTTP Task->More than 0 file found in filter!L HTTP Task->No file was found for key: > Execute Task->Unhandled error: B Could not get PID or ModuleName: P Could not set working directory, error:  LogonUser result: {3} hUserToken: {0}, hUserTokenEx: {1}, Desktop: {2} (| Process execute status - processStarted: {0}, processId: {1} (J StatisticsAPI.ProcessStarted->Start (L Error on set affinity value for Task: @ Could not start process, error: ä Could not start process as another user. The username, password or domain was incorrect. Please check your values." - service user: D , member of Administrators group: Ž StartBackgroundProcess->Error at telling the process to wait for exit: N StatisticsAPI.ProcessFinished - start (T StatisticsAPI.ProcessFinished - complete (D stdOutputHandle?.Close() - Start (J stdOutputHandle?.Close() - Complete (B stdErrorHandle?.Close() - Start (H stdErrorHanTask " " " exited with code:, CurrentProcess is null: Could not kill process, err: ֏ Closing desktop handles (N CloseDesktopHandles->IC.Desktop is ZeroL CloseDesktopHandles->IC.WinSta is Zero> CloseDesktopHandles->IC is null \\{0}\ROOT\CIMV2J Management Connect to remote machine  as user B failed with the following error  Win32_Process Create CommandLine returnValue: Error while starting process F creation returned an exit code of * . It was launched as on  processId\ Select * from Win32_Process Where ProcessId = 4 ERROR AS WARNING: Process Terminated before it could be tr

On the same server with Filezilla, connect no problems to any of the SFTP servers we have in Visual cron. They worked this morning before the upgrade. What File am I now missing to use the SFTP servers?

Forum information
Also recreated the SFTP connection and got the same error when I tested it.
New test on different server gave me error 96258 and if you look that up it says "Please make sure that you selected a private key if needed." but we do not need a private key so not sure why this is occurring - is there a way around this error too?
This has been solved by uninstalling it on the server - downloading a new version of the same install and then reinstall. All issues have gone away

Interesting, thanks for updating us.

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