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Daniel Phomphakdy
We have a system that can export data in Excel, CSV, etc. and another one that can only export data in a tab delimited format.
I'm trying to find the best way to compare these files (like a vlookup in Excel) and provide which data is missing in one of the files.

Forum information
There are a few ways to do this I can think of.

1) Create a C# function that creates a hash for each line. Then compare the hashes. It's not to hard, but if you are uncomfortable with .net it may not be a solution you like

2) Use powershell. I haven't tried it myself but it looks very easy. Basically one line of code: 
Daniel Phomphakdy
Hi @  thomas ,

Thank you. Trying to have this done without coding... Powershell might be a bit easier though. I'll look into this link you provided. Thank you
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