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I am unable to log a support ticket right now due to a licensing snafu so I hope someone will take mercy on me here. I woke up to multiple jobs (80!) failing with strange errors like the one below. Any ideas?

Exception in RaiseExceptionStatic error: TaskProcess.TPCResult is null. Original error: ˜ RaiseExceptionStatic error: TaskProcess.Task.Stats is null. Original error: ( Exception for Task 'L ' was ignored due to OnError setting (0 HTTP Task->Cookie name:  Error doing  on URL: < Error at executing HTTP task: R HTTP TTask " " " exited with code:, CurrentProcess is null: Could not kill process, err: ɽ Closing desktop handles (N CloseDesktopHandles->IC.Desktop is ZeroL CloseDesktopHandles->IC.WinSta is Zero> CloseDesktopHandles->IC is null \\{0}\ROOT\CIMV2J Management Connect to remote machine  as user B failed with the follow�: parsing "/\*
/\* (?<LEVEL>) # On opening push level
\*/ (?<-LEVEL>) # On closing pop level
(?! /\* | \*/ ) . # Match any char unless the opening and closing strings
)+ # /* or */ in the lookahead string
(?(LEVEL)(?!)) # If level exists then fail
\*/F GetStoredProcedures->ConnectionId: 2 Credential was not found.F GetStoredProcedures->DataProvider:  Procedures SPECIFIC_SCHEMA ROUTINE_NAMEྺ Oracle provider= Provider=ྰ Connection string (safe):  FunctionsĎ Name Schema Packages Status
VALID Package {0}.{1}.{2} {0}.{1}J GetStoredProcedures->Procedure name:  , schema:  , package: ˆ GetStoredProcedures->Non VALID package procedure {0}.{1}.{2} skipped Argumen..." - Not enough )'s.
Forum information
Damn that is a shitty way to wake up. I assume the same jobs have previously run successfully on the same VC version?
Anything in the windows server event log at that time when things failed?
In the meantime I reinstalled VC and reloaded from a backup and jobs seem to be ok. We have had to do this before. Sorry I panicked earlier and posted before trying this first! lol

I can only guess corruption in VC files?

At any rate this might good info for troubleshooting steps for someone someday.
That is a possibility. Sometimes just restarting the VisualCron service has solved problems for us.
I had tried that already, as well as restoring a single job. When that failed I figured it was time for a reinstall of the whole thing.
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