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Is there a way to monitor a JDE UBE that is kicked off from VC? We currently use a remote execute to kick of the UBEs in VC, once the task submits the UBE the VC task is completed. We would like to be able to control the next task in the job to execute once the UBE is completed.

Thank you,
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Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: jnimocks 

Is there a way to monitor a JDE UBE that is kicked off from VC? We currently use a remote execute to kick of the UBEs in VC, once the task submits the UBE the VC task is completed. We would like to be able to control the next task in the job to execute once the UBE is completed.

Thank you,

Hi Jill,

I guess one way would be to split it up to another job and base the new job on a Job completion trigger relate to the JDE UBE job. Using remote execute is pretty limited in terms of using outputs unfortunately.

So a new job -> trigger -> VisualCron triggers and then the JDE UBE job.
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