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Rick Sylvanus
I'm using DPF Split to turn a multipage PDF into several separate PDFs. That works fine except that I want the newly created PDFs to be placed in a folder that is named based on the file name of the original PDF. Say the multi-page PDF is called "Test" I want to split it into a new folder called "Test" instead of the folder that PDF is currently in. I figured I need to enter a variable somewhere in the Destination tab... but not sure what to enter.
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Rick Sylvanus
Any ideas on this problem? Thanks
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Rick Sylvanus 

I'm using DPF Split to turn a multipage PDF into several separate PDFs. That works fine except that I want the newly created PDFs to be placed in a folder that is named based on the file name of the original PDF. Say the multi-page PDF is called "Test" I want to split it into a new folder called "Test" instead of the folder that PDF is currently in. I figured I need to enter a variable somewhere in the Destination tab... but not sure what to enter.

There seem to be a bug in that task when it comes to creating destination files when the destination folder does not exist - this should be fixed in the next release.

Other than that, the work around would be that you use a Create folder task first, and then have that ready so it's already created for the PDF task.
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Rick Sylvanus 

I'm using DPF Split to turn a multipage PDF into several separate PDFs. That works fine except that I want the newly created PDFs to be placed in a folder that is named based on the file name of the original PDF. Say the multi-page PDF is called "Test" I want to split it into a new folder called "Test" instead of the folder that PDF is currently in. I figured I need to enter a variable somewhere in the Destination tab... but not sure what to enter.

Hi Rick

I just wanted to let you know we fixed an issue in that task so you should be able to create new folders now based on variable in our latest 9.9.7 official download
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