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We have Visualcron v9.9.6 installed on about 20 servers and on the same servers we have an EDR called SentinelOne.

But on one server we have now had that on monday the EDR said that VisualCronService.Exe was malware.
And last night we had it on the same server again.

Do you know of any problems between VisualCron and / or SentinelOne EDR as it is not good when VisualCron gets killed because it is considered malware
Forum information
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: ChristiaanS 

We have Visualcron v9.9.6 installed on about 20 servers and on the same servers we have an EDR called SentinelOne.

But on one server we have now had that on monday the EDR said that VisualCronService.Exe was malware.
And last night we had it on the same server again.

Do you know of any problems between VisualCron and / or SentinelOne EDR as it is not good when VisualCron gets killed because it is considered malware

This is a false positive. Please contact SentinelOne/provide them with the exe and they will have the false positive removed.
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