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Carrie Thompson
Issue on Visual Cron with a Task that's been running for over a day, normally takes less than 1 minute.
When I look at Long Running Jobs, the PID is 0 so I cannot kill it using the PID like we would normally do.
Can anyone advise how I stop the job from running?
I've tried stopping the task & the job, deactivating the task / job, pausing it etc to no avail.

Surely an easy way to resolve this?
Forum information
you can alway restart the vc service when no jobs are running, if that is an option for you
Also worth noting that while I can't remember if I've checked the running jobs list in such a case, occasionally I see the main interface report a job is still running, but restarting the client fixes it because it is apparently just a display error. I wasn't clear on whether you tried that.
Joey S
I think it would have to have a PID or at least an orphaned application which you should be able to find

Here is one I found for a long running Excel Convert task


If I use process explorer from Sysinternals   I can see the process using the Start Time that matches my VC job

After I kill that one I get this in VC

SO, you should be able to find it by the time. If that fails then restart the service as long as you can find a time when nothing else is running or going to run in the following 2-5 min time frame. Sometimes when those tasks get stuck the service does not want to come back without a reboot.
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