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Jens Ronnqvist

This questions concerns user group permissions, and specifically the ability to easily get an overview over which jobs have overriden permissions.

Use case and question 1
We have a set of users, all of which belong to a group with view-only permissions. This group could be the built-in group "Viewers".
For some specific jobs, however, we want this user group to have permission to execute the job. This could be achieved via Job -> Permissions -> Override permissions for this object.

However, when doing this for many jobs and for more user groups it can become a bit tricky to keep track of this (unless you of course keep a separate mapping yourself in Excel or similar). My question is therefore if there is some way to auto-generate a report (or similar) from VisualCron which shows which jobs have overriden permissions, and what those overriden permissions are (user group + permission type (view, execute, etc.))?

Question 2
Is there some way to set user group permissions based on a job's group?

Thank you.

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