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  •  juhu
  • Paid support Topic Starter
I have a job where I want to read the event log from 30 remote servers. I want to determine if there are errors in the RW disk of the FSLogix. This gives an event log entry in the log "Microsoft-FSLogix-CloudCache/Operational" .
Reading a specific log "Microsoft-FSLogix-CloudCache/Operational" gives an error in the task.

Exception in Task: The event log Microsoft-FSLogix-CloudCache/Operational on machine xy does not exist.

Reading the application log works on all servers.
So it can't be due to the query or permissions.

what am I doing wrong?

best regards Thomas
Forum information
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: juhu 

I have a job where I want to read the event log from 30 remote servers. I want to determine if there are errors in the RW disk of the FSLogix. This gives an event log entry in the log "Microsoft-FSLogix-CloudCache/Operational" .
Reading a specific log "Microsoft-FSLogix-CloudCache/Operational" gives an error in the task.

Exception in Task: The event log Microsoft-FSLogix-CloudCache/Operational on machine xy does not exist.

Reading the application log works on all servers.
So it can't be due to the query or permissions.

what am I doing wrong?

best regards Thomas


Please create a ticket with this issue and send it to, as we are preparing to close down this section of the forums. So all technical issues are best (and fastest) solved via email tickets.

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