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Tom Bering

We got a job that uploads a variable-sized file to a remote sFTP, sometimes the file on the receiving end is cut short.
Is there a way to get the size of the file from the sFTP and compare it to the local file and restart if they differ?

Or better, a way to make sure they are the same size before closing the connection?
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Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Tom Bering 


We got a job that uploads a variable-sized file to a remote sFTP, sometimes the file on the receiving end is cut short.
Is there a way to get the size of the file from the sFTP and compare it to the local file and restart if they differ?

Or better, a way to make sure they are the same size before closing the connection?

Hi Tom,

I believe one way would be using two list files task, one list files task that starts first when the job launches, and outputting the filesize (you can filter that in the task) and then one remote list files command that checks the size afterwards. Then you can compare the outputs/create some sort of flow that retries if the comparison equals X
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