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Markus Baer
Hi VisualCroners

I am in the process of replacing large batch files with VC-Jobs. However, large batch files turn out to result in large jobs which tend to be . Therefore, I had the idea to create 1 main or control job that calls multiple sub jobs. I have been experimenting with flows and conditions after searching the forum and watching the YouTube tutorials. I managed that my main job is calling a sub job using a flow but I am struggling that the sub jobs returns to the main job and continues with the next task.

How can I achieve that the main job keeps waiting for the sub job to end and continues with the next task?

Thanks and regards,
Forum information
Danny van Oijen
On the first Job (main settings) deactivate: Run tasks in order
This way al tasks in this job will all run at once.
In this job just make taks that run another Job.
Than it wel report back to the first Job it it fails.
Markus Baer
Thanks for your Input Danny!

Unfortunately, I can't run all tasks at once as they sometimes depend on each other.

Let me give you some examples:

I have to download some files from a FTP-Server first in order to process them.

I have to manipulate the files before I can load them into our ERP system.

Once the Job has completed I have to send a notification mail.

I don't see how this can be achieved, if all the controll tasks run at once.

Am I missing something?
I think "main job is running a sub job using a flow" is your problem. It sounds like what you want would be better reflected by your main job running sub jobs using a Visualcron Job/Task Control - Run Job task.
Markus Baer
Thanks a lot, that's exactely what i was looking for! 🙂
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