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Matthew Mitchell
When using the Text Qualifer option on the Output tab of SQL tasks, it would be nice if there was a checkbox to make it conditional. We have many third-party vendors that we upload data to and many of them do not want a text qualifier unless the data inside the field contains the field separator. Due to the inability of deciding which fields get the text qualifier in VisualCron, we have had to either turn the text qualifier on for every field or no fields at all, which is a bit of a guessing game; it is difficult to know which data sets will have the field delimiter and which won't. Could you add a checkbox to make the Text Qualifier conditional so that when selected, it is only included when needed?

Below are some examples of the output with the "condtional" checkbox checked:

Example using commas for Field separator and quotes for Text q: 89944,5,1,ABC,"E,F,G",2

Example using pipes and quotes: 89944|5|1|ABC|E,F,G|2

Forum information
Marina Dumer
This feature will be very helpful going forward. Please make it if possible.
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