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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
It appears that there currently no wildcard support for a file read. It would be useful to us, since we use a file read to confirm that a file is on a local FTP server after an upload, and a few clients have reports set up with minutes and seconds in the file name. Since those will vary in the file name each day, and the VC job to move the file isn't running at the exact second that the file was generated, we don't have a way to identify the file to check without a wildcard in the path.
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OK, we could add that, but you will only get the first found file if more than one is found.
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Do you have any more thoughts about this one? We have not implemented File filter on the File read Task yet because it makes no direct sense. The only thing that would happen then is that output is overwritten by the next file.

Can't you use the File Condition for this?
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I just looked at my original post a little more carefully, and it looks like I was looking for that for a file read only at that time - actually the need expanded a little since then. As I mentioned, at the time we weren't using substrings, and have since started to use those in jobs. Before that, we were using the DOS rename command so that we could use a wildcard in the rename to name the file to a known name that we could then handle in VC. When dealing with single files, this is a satisfactory solution.

While we haven't tried to use a file condition for this, I think the problem is not so much that there is no way to do it - that would give even possibly give a third option. The problem is that in cases where we deal with multiple files, and multiple types of tasks - not just a read, but possibly encryption/decryption or zipping/unzipping across all those files - other tasks that haven't been using a file filter - then it can take some time to get the job set up.

I see that there are some new features in the new Beta version, and will take a look at that - I'm excited about what you've added with that! It may provide some relief if the filter is at least on some types of tasks that we use, even if the read task isn't one of them. I'll also see how easy it is to set up the job using file conditions instead.
  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I believe the new rename features will address this issue, since we can now easily rename files to a known name before performing other operations on them.

Thank you so much!
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