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When using Archive and selecting the Append option it seems that the function requires the archive to exist, but does not produce any error. The function should either support creating a new archive if non exist or produce an error saying that there was no archive to append to.
Forum information
We can't seem to reproduce this. Are you talking about the "Append to archive" in the Task->Archive->Compress tab?

We tried using one Task that was set to "Append to archive". It created an archive.

We also created 2 Tasks.

Task 1: Append option. Added file 1
Task 2: Append option. Added file 2

Running these in sequence created an archive with File 1 and 2.
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I've tried it where I set the compress tab to append and it works as expected. I guess my colleage wasn't telling the entire truth to me. I'm very sorry about the inconvenience. I'll retest before posting.

Support wrote:

We can't seem to reproduce this. Are you talking about the "Append to archive" in the Task->Archive->Compress tab?

We tried using one Task that was set to "Append to archive". It created an archive.

We also created 2 Tasks.

Task 1: Append option. Added file 1
Task 2: Append option. Added file 2

Running these in sequence created an archive with File 1 and 2.

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