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It would be very helpful is you could specify where the servers.xml file and settings could be located. As if you use mandatory profiles (like we do), the settings which are currently in local APP DATA aren't loaded. Alternatively, a move to the more standard Application Data location.
Forum information
Any idea when this will be added?

At the moment I get round this by copying the files in a simple .cmd file:

copy "J:\IT\Business Systems\vcron\VisualCron\settings\servers.xml" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\VisualCron\settings"

copy "J:\IT\Business Systems\vcron\VisualCron\settings\settings_client.xml" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\VisualCron\settings"

As our Virtual machines don't get local setttings\app data saved upon restart. We only save C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\*.* and there is no way of changing/amending this, as we use AppSense.
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